Yosemite Bible Camp
Yosemite Bible Camp 〰️
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Welcome to Woodward Park Church of Christ’s
Yosemite Bible Camp, June 22-June 28, 2025
Our theme for camp this year is “Master of the Storm”.
This year we will learn that Jesus is Master overall and we can always turn to him when we face the storms of life.
We will discover ways to use what we learn when we come down the mountain.
We invite you to join us for a fun and exciting week!
Cost per camper is $225. Payments can be made online, in cash, or by check.
Donations/Scholarships can also be made on-line, in cash, or by check.
Any questions regarding registration please see Gabe Bacus
Important Dates & Times:
Check in : Sunday, June 22, 2025 (2pm-3pm)
This is the time to check in. Campers will receive their cabin assignments and parents will have the opportunity to meet their child’s counselor for the week. You will also check in all necessary medications to the camp nurse. There will be an orientation session at 6:30 p.m. at which all campers should be present.
Check out : Saturday, June 28, 2025 (8:45am)
The camp day will begin at 6:30a.m. After breakfast, all campers will be cleaning cabins and grounds. Parents, please pick up campers at 8:45 a.m. HOWEVER, NO ONE WILL BE DISMISSED UNTIL THE CAMP HAS PASSED THE INSPECTION AS JUDGED BY THE YBC CARETAKER! Parents need to be aware of this fact when making plans for Saturday afternoon.
What to bring to Camp:
Parents, make sure your child brings a Bible to Bible Camp
Pillow/Sleeping bag or other bedding
Toiletries (including soap, shampoo, and flip-flops for the shower)
Insect Repellant (The mosquitoes are usually quite prevalent at camp)
Enough MODEST clothes to last for a week of outdoor fun in the woods
Warm clothes for cool nights
Bath and swim towels
MODEST swimsuit
Two pairs of closed-toe shoes
Flip Flops/Sandals
What NOT to bring to camp:
Sleeveless tops, spaghetti straps, tank tops
Tight fitting clothes
Clothes that show your undergarments
Clothes that have inappropriate messages, words, symbols, or pictures
Cell phones
While at Camp:
To help prevent homesickness, we restrict the use of cellphones. Parents are encouraged to send letters or postcards to the campers.
The camp address is:
Yosemite Bible Camp 50869 Road 632
Oakhurst, CA 93644.
Contact Gabe Bacus (559) 259-8314 in case of emergency.
Wednesday from 2-8pm
Friday from 2-8pm
1. Each camper MUST obey any and all staff members at ALL TIMES.
2. All medications MUST be given to the nurse upon arrival. The nurse will dispense the medication as labeled.
3. No cell phones allowed for campers. If you bring a cell phone, you must turn it in to the director of camp when you arrive. It will be returned on Saturday morning--NO EXCEPTIONS. Let’s leave other thoughts behind us and focus on learning about spiritual things.
4. No electronic devices are allowed (ipads, TVs, Video games, airpods, etc.). Please do not bring expensive items that could be damaged or lost.
5. ALL campers, staff, and visitors are expected to be in dress code as stated the entire week of camp. Please pack accordingly. Leave inappropriate clothing at home.
6. Alcohol, tobacco, illegal substances/drugs, knives, explosives, etc. ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED!
7. No boys around the girls’ cabins at any time. No girls around the boys’ cabins at any time.
8. NO CAMPER is to be absent from any class/assembly without permission of their counselor and or camp director.
9. NO CAMPER is to leave the campground without an adult chaperone at ANYTIME.
10. Foul/inappropriate language or jokes WILL NOT be tolerated.